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tv   News  Al Jazeera  August 30, 2013 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT

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talking openly of a military response insisting there is little choice even in the face of skepticism of american public. >> it's important for us to recognize that over a thousand people are killed including hundreds of innocent children through the use of a weapon that 98% or 99% of humanity says should not be used even in war and there is no action then we're sending a signal that international norm doesn't mean much.
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any military action with boots on the ground. >> we know where the rockets were launched from. and at what time. we know where they landed and when. we know rockets came only from regime-controlled areas and went only to opposition-controlled or contested neighborhoods. >> the administration released a map to go along with that charge with 12 co 12 contested attack. >> among the o allegations, 1429 woman people were killed including 426 children. a stream of spel of intelligencs
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some leading up to the attack. >> so the primary question is no longer what do we know. the question is what do we collectively, what are we in the world going to do about it. >> concern about revealing sources restrict how much they can say. one thing not alleged in the report said assad himself gave the order for the attack. mike is live at the white house. is there any chance that we might see congress return for an early vote.
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a doctor says at least 7 people were killed, dozens injured. al jazeera cannot confirm those reports. >> while speaking of congress, congresswoman par pra lee a democrat from california joins us from oakland. good to see you. thank you for being with us. >> pleased to be with you. >> give us what you can heard from the president and secretary of state today. >> first let me say that what we're seeing out of syria is heartbreaking. it's unconsciousable and there's no way anyone cannot believe that we need to take some action and stop the use of chemical weapons. these are crimes against humanity and they are deplorable. what i'm concerned about in our response is that we're about to take military action without the
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involvement and the full debate in congress and a vote in congress. the american people deserve to know what the implications are of going in with the military strike. american people need to understand the unintended consequence what could possibly happen. also i'm concerned about a regional war that could erupt an more carnage and who knows what could happen as a result of a military strike in terms of any retaliate tory by assad.
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i don't think there's any military solution to what has taken place. any vote that would not get us there i would be opposed to. if military and i believe the
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president is correct and i believe the se secretary kerry s telling us the truth that this got. another iraq which i voted against and another libya which we did not have the opportunity to vote on. >> if part of the problem, you think part of the problem is that the u.s. has a credibility problem because of iraq?
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>> well, i don't think that's part of the problem. i think part of the problem is the delimma that we find ourselves in. some talk about what is a just-war for example. i'm confident that the american people do not support another long-term open-ended war. people are war-weary. i think the caution is making sure that whatever action is taken t it's taken with an under standing of what our goals are. what's our exit strategy. is this sending a signal to oh the rest of the world that we will not tolerate the use of chemical weapons. what next?
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the ambassadors on their way to a meeting but this wasn't a formal session around the horseshoe table of their chamber. the place where historically so many decisions about global war and peace have been taken.
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and joining us now here in the studio is retired air force lieutenant richard newton. what would an attack look like on syria. >> again, having from my retired perspective and really not knowing. any of the specifics, i think it's going to be limited in scale. i think like hi as we've seen from in the media and in the public square and a sea-based attack perhaps. >> cruise missiles? >> that's where it might start. >> i believe so. or could. that's my opinion. >> the weather doesn't matter? >> no. the taumaawk has been used all
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the way in to iraq and afghanistan. you think it would be at night. >> it could start off at night. that would be from a military option or planning standpoint kicking this thing off during evening time period does a couple things for you. you have the cloak of darkness if you will. you also have the populous on a sea cycle. you've got less pedestrian traffic in the urban areas. >> so stealth bombers come in and follow the cruise missiles. >> i don't know if that's a package of capabilities.
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that's in addition of what we're talking about -- that will go after commanded control. >> i think there's a hierarchy of targets where they try to stick to. that will be air defense is very important right after the pat o. you will this go after assad's air force and his about to -- you want to gain air security as soon as you can. the other key capability that syria has is their air supply capability. these are russian-made aircraft. those capabilities are somewhat unique to an air force with assad because that's how they actually transfer the capability in terms of nuclear air mass.
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>> are we going to hit those? >> i think they are going after airfields. i think they are going after aircraft on the ground and we fell through with that. >> there are reports not confirmed at all that they are moving civilians to some of the military sites to use them as human shields. how does the united states play that? >> that's a challenge. that's a wild card. you hear about media reports with human shields. saddam hussein tryed the to do the same thing. that's just something that's another card that the military planners have to play or have to understand that could be in play as perhaps a deterrin detergento to strike. >> the united states has to think of possible retaliation? >> could be. that's part of the challenge in
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trying to determine the in-game or how do you shape post strike or what's next. you have to determine how hard we're going to hit assad's regime. you should anticipate from a militarying the planning standpoint that there could be some retaliation but you u have to be prepared for that. >> the last thing you want to do is bomb chemical weapons. >> i would think so because, again, the focus ought to be on certainly as i mentioned this hierarchy of capabilities. i don't believe that part of the initial planning and the scenario would involve going after chemical sites. then you create unintended consequences oh of now getting the chemicals either at the targets and disburse and so forth. >> timing. what do you think about timing?
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>> i think we ought to look in a time line. you have to get the u.n. inspectors out. >> they're supposed to be out tomorrow. to me, that starts a clock. i would make the prescription and i would from what i understand we have some forces. position where we would want them for that limited strike capability. >> let's talk about that now. we have a map where we can show our audience that the u.s. forces, i think -- there we go. there's four in the mediterranean. >> there's five. i understand one is streaming pack. there's four army class destroyers. that's in the eastern mediterranean. we have the rating gulf both in the strike groups are on scene.
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>> the strike is certainly within, i begin to post the u.n. weapons inspector is key. 24, 42, 96 hours some time in that window. >>ly ask you a political question. what would be accomplished when it's over.
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how do you want to shape the battlefield if that case. the military is part oh of the political tools that the national security tools that the president has at his disposal. they had to be integrated. how you want to shape the in-game or the national security security council. that will be a key question because the military action is going to have political consequences. >> that's one of the questions that i think american people and people around world would be asking in the next couple of days. >> it's a fair question. >> general. thank you very much. as the world waits to see if the u.s. and other allies will strike syria. the island of cypress has been preparing as well. >> reporter: as they maneuver their military hard wear the islanders of cypress are watching an waiting and trying to work out the next move.
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cypress' geographic location makes it tr strategically vital. >> translator: they come and they have a possibility to set us back. we can't do nothing. we are powerless. >> reporter: others here believe the greater good is what's at stake. >> translator: should the power, whatever that may. u they should do whatever they have to do to stop the massacre in syria and the whole region. >> reporter: thursday's arrival of six british typhoon jets on the island certainly increased the tension here and a site of a pair of american spy planes landing created an expectation of imminent action.
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>> we bring about the flames of war in the whole region. not only syria. >> reporter: cypress' foreign minister insists the island will not be a military staging post but could be a humanitarian hub for evacuees. >> we are the capacity to receive 10,000 people a day provided an entrance and exit the same number. 110,000 people. so we are ready for that on where they are going to go and from there where the infection is going to take place and how people et cetera. >> that assurance leaves just one question. >> the vote in the british parliament has been welcomeed with a degree of relief here the in cypress where people feared might be put to in any military strike. if military action is not on the table, the question remains, what effective response can there be for the use of chemical
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weapons in syria. the syrian conflict has already spread beyond the country's borders due to refugees crossing to neighboring countries. threat has heightened fears of broader regional turmoil. the syrian government has vowed to defend itself. it still has powerful allies. >> reporter: syrian's president has supporters here in lebanon and across the region and he knows he can count on them. lebanon's shia group hezbollah is fighting along the regime. they warned united states to stay out of the conflict if not they are expected to retaliate against israel. many say that is not an empty threat. it is warning that the syrian
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president made back in 2011. syria, he said is a fault line. when you play with it there could be an earthquake that would effect the spire region. >> that region includes israel where people crowded the distribution center. they also had batteries in preparation for a possible syrian attack. in jordon people are just as afraid even though the government said it will not allow its territory to be used to the launch attacks against syria. put syrians state media accused the jordanian government in participating in what is a u.s.-led aggress. these because a man hosted a meeting of countries likely to take part in any military intervention. >> translator: things can be resolved without a military strike. there are consequences that syria's neighbors don't need. >> reporter: and the foreign
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minister said the country has not attacked jordan in the past two and a half years and it would be a shame if that had to change. a divided arab league has not had a position with strikes against syria. it said it wouldn't support military action an people there seem to have little appetite for any action by the west. >> translator: this is america's plan the to divide the middle east. this is in israel's interest. it might happen in syria and maybe even egypt. >> reporter: it didn't say how put there are those who have warned what assad has repeatedly said the fire in fire in syria won't stop at its boarders. al jazeera, beirut. >> join us now is the professor of political science of the
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university of chicago. give me your sense of the reaction and the region if the united states launches an attack. >> it's important to understand that the medium person in the mid the east that is the medium voter if you would is already deeply skeptical of american motives. iraq certainly pushed the medium position of the average person of the middle east from modest skepticism of american motives to deep skepticism. what happened is with the passing, the obama administration lost the brits, it lost the germans and also lost the russians, chinese and you see the more this becomes unilateral american american action the more skepticism there's bound to be about al a*e
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rior motives. in israel's case they are in a particular bad situation. why is that? it's because assad's regime really has chemical weapons. if assad's regime falls. what's going to happen to those chemical weapons? when would assad's regime condone the use of chemical weapons in tel aviv. perhaps in disper ration as it's going down. perhaps those weapons are handed out and it's not the assad or syrians doing it perhaps it's terrorists groups in the region. it's very dangerous game when you're dealing with a regime that has thousands of chemical weapons. >> let me talk about great britain. let's the take a look at more information with british law makers saying no.
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some are speculating how this will effect the relaceship with the two tkroeupbs countries. >> reporter: it will be talked about for many years. the prime minister said the authority has been badly damaged. >> parliament made a very view which it doesn't want british involvement in military action so we will proceed on that bay basis. >> reporter: has it also hurt britain's relationship with america. they feel the british parliament still haunted by iraq lost its nerve on syria. >> that's the courage of what i would consider the western democracy is to phase these uncertainties. i think that's what is disparity last night listening to these people get caught in this iraqi
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time warp. >> reporter: the second relationship was in the second whole war. there have been ups an downs. some presidents and prime ministers have got along better than others. that's what the junior partners probably cared about more than the americans. >> the british parliament have hue milhumiliated david cameron. they will help make it a less important fallal player. >> i spoke to one of the conservative rebels. an np who voted against british involvement in syria. >> it's still an economic power. it's relative to other countries around the world is badly relatively demiles per hourishing all the time. as the world's were to commonly we balance towards former developing countries in asia, africa, south america, actually
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some other countries now should step up to the plate and see if they can't take on some of the responsibilitys that the u.k. and the u.s. have bourn for so long. >> reporter: the british having a tphaoeuzehavingahaveagoneized. al jazeera. >> we will continue our discussion on syria right after this break. we will get the news from long time allies france and england plus egypt is getting less attention but it's no less fractured. more on the latest deadly clashes there in a moment. ç]
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welcome back to al jazeera. there's a lot of developments on syria tonight.
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the u.s. warships are armed with cruise missiles. the president said today he is considering limited and narrow e action. no boots on the ground. john kerry laid tout piece against syrian president bashar al assad even going as far as culling him a thug and a murder. pack with us now, robert, the professor of political science of the university of chicago we were talking about the u.k. pgh. the u.k. is our closest al lie . the u.k. are one of the most liberal democracys in the world. what we are proposeing is a
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liberal mission. that is a humanitarian mission and a place of conscious. you would think that if there is anybody outside the oval office that is going to also share this problem, the crisis of conscious, it would be liberal britain. so for britain to distance itself and to do it so strongly to actually take a vote, this is really quite a problem. >> then on top of it we saw this video today. people burned -- there's no doubt there are humanitarian problems occurring here. this is what the obama administration has not played up enough. >> have we seen the toxicology reports. have we seen the families of the people who died there?
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the human -- this human element is something the obama tellment -- -- it's -- this is something that the pr machine of the white house should be able to bring to the world in a much more powerful way. in terms of communicating this problem to the world. not just the american people but the world.
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it has become a chainy play book. if this is a war. it is going to be a war fought for liberal causes and that's not going to fit with the cheney play book. >> in israel. many people are preparing for the worst.
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>> it doesn't feel yet it just seems like something you do to be ready put we haven't experienced anything that's really frightening at this point. she needs five masks but the government's firm. >> she gets only four since she doesn't have any of the paperwork for her 15-year-old. that's the boy that won't have a mask on his face. it's easy to to do it. it would be easy to do. you know that. >> governments actually make gas masks for free for years it's just now they ares pushly in demand. fights have broken out but most like kramer is in disbelief. she's been here for 7 hours. >> i'm nervous that something would happen that i won't have -- because me and my husband have -- >> the poll shows that most israelis don't want the country
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involved. put people here worry they are the ones most at risk for the attack made in revenge if the u.s. strikes syria. for pleas from the american families went unanswered. >> it' wrong. >> so she left short one gas mask but her new life far from california. in jerusalem,er al jazeera. >> as the u.s. prepares for a possible attack in syria. one new poll suggests there's opposition of the idea. stephanie joins us now from los
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angeles with more on that. >> the reu t*e rs poll says if the chemical was used. now the survey was on the last five days and it asked 1400 people this question. the syria government is using chemical weapons against syrians should the united states intervene. >> we are not the world police. i don't think we should get involved. i there's way too many problems to get involved at this point.
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>> i feel bad that it's going out of there and i don't think that we are ready right now in the crown try to go to another war. we just got out of a war and i just think right now that we have a lot of problems at home that we need to take care of. >> i think that the country should get involved and not to think of it. >> i would like to see more involvement of other countrys the, britain, germany, the u.n., they would all come together and agree that it's something that we should do jointly. i agree at that point that we should get involved otherwise it's hard for us to get in involved in other people's matters.
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>> i guess the military efforts and it's self-defense here in the war. >> i think it's very frightening but i don't see how we're going to avoid it because what's going on is totally unacceptible and like everyone else see it get involved in another war and sometimes it kpwapbt avoided. i don't know. >> while one-third of people surveyed said they would support u.s. action, most americans say they do not want to get involved in another conflict in the middle east. john? >> stephanie on the west coast tonight. thank you. >> a display of crowd control, the prote proprotestors in the t
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of cairo. the alliance have spanned against the military-led government despite the state of emergency for another friday. >> and that's what they call a coup headed by defense minister. >> >> translator: because the government wants to go backwards. >> translator: i came here for egypt. >> allah akbar! >> the protesters are going to get people moving and walking. it's military will -- the special forces stationed at intersections and access in kilo cases like tahir square and the
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mosque where clashes left hundreds dead a few weeks ago. some are too scared to join and wave from their apartment. from behind the scene cairo clashes broke out and the military disbursed the crowd with tear tkpas. as they reported clashed with local residents. cities in a alexandria left thre dead and several wounded. the muslim brotherhood are bound to fight on despite a crack down that had most of its leadership in preus -b o prison or hiding.h pressure and increasingly heavy handed approach t it feels as though the show down in egypt is far from over. american diplomate who was scheduled here in north carolina this weekend to secure the
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americans being held there will not be traveling after all. his family is concerned because his health is deteriorating and is sentenced to 15 years of hard labor. while much of the world is ebisexperiencing slow growth the economy is slowly picking up. in the first of the six-part series, al jazeera will be examineing the impact of that boom and our tom traveled to texas, the home of the country' number one oil and gas-productiogas-producingstate. >> in the center of texas not so long ago this was a quiet farming and a cross road of the oil and gas home in south texas. that boom has opinion sunday night. >> there's an area where spanish
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is heard nearly as often as epbgish. >> translator: >> we've benefited quite a bit. we have a lot of oil companies that have helped us as well as other businesses. a will the of people are moving here from all over texas. >> reporter: it's been more than a century since texas saw their first oil gusher. with new hydraulic technology t drillers are exploring the deep shale as never before. texas doubles its crude production from two decades of falling output if it was considered an independent nation texas would rank the highest and kuwait and venezuela on the oil raising state. texas was able to escape the worst of the great recession while u.s. jobs grew by 1% in the last five years the oil an gas industry increase peud 40%.
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those paychecks are fourishing the local economy in one of the historically poorest regions of the country. >> all of a sudden you're seeing jobs in south texas that are averaging 2k-7 $70,000,000/$80,s benefits. they have got seen that kind of multiplying effect that will change south texas. >> after previous oil booms t*bs texas has gone robust. as the fossil crude keeps growing, people here expect a long ride. tom t al jazeera, nix on, texas. >> coming up at the top of the hour, hi, joey. >> good evening. on american tonight it was chicago's first week back at school after posing 50 schools a over budget cuts. school system is now having safe -- a program designed to
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give parents peace of mind with their kids unfamiliar and some times the dangerous routes. we met one grandmother who is so uncomfortable she took some extra steps. >> i feel that they just went in and decided to do what they want with our children. they do not know what is best for our children or our schools. was they not here. >> a family story and what the community has to say about the violence. joining us at the top of the hour on "america the night. >> thank you very much. well the bee populations have been shrinking dramatically in resent years. the holiday in many of the plants that we eat. in bees would mean less food and the scientists are trying to keep up their numbers. one one strategy. >> reporter: yes, you can. >> produces one m micrometer of
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semen. the tip is 60 cr 60-microns in diameter. it takes 100. >> then freeze it wit with liqud nitrogen. it's a sperm bank.
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>> a lot of the principals that have been worked out previously with kal cattle and humans. they will literally last for centuries. >> the artificial insemination of a queen bee that's prao*ef py frozen sperm. the real world with real apples that the bees pollen ate for us. >> stress related to nutrition, loss of habitat for peas, pesticides. so just inside they are
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freezeing the future one bee at a time. >> that's what wear hoping to do. >> and hoping to provide solutions to problems in the world of bees that haven't even come up yet. al jazeera, pullman, washington. >> it was one year ago that andy phur ricandymurray's career -- g to recapture the magic.
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>> i think so, i mean, texas a&m
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comes in this year already had lost a lot of guys. he had a great season. it's going to be interesting on how he shakes off this rough off season and just concentrate on football. can he concentrate on everything after he's been partying, winning the heisman. i think that's what people are most excited to see is whether johnny can be an exciting player that everybody saw last year and not be the poster boy for a heisman fail as he's been this off season. >>ty think this proves that this
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is go going to be a formable conference. those are not just two of the top teams in the conference. i expect a lot of alabama against virginia tech. i think alabama is going to show that they are the most dominant team in the conference in the country. it could be violent and exciting to watch this year a bama fan if you're a person who wants you to repeat. >> he said he was battling a stomach virus an he's a little strugish, it's a little out of shape. he this doesn't look like the heisman candidate that we all thought we were going to be. he
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didn't live up to the expectations and it's whether or not he will live up to the hype and repeat what he did a year ago. after 7 plus years on tour t andy began to hear criticism with his inability to win the big one. he won the gold medal and then the u.s. open title a few weeks later to have the wome the wom . he's a huge hitter and was
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running all over court tonight and return the powerful ground stroke. that's the third round for the third set. >> the second leg of the fed-ex cup in boston and the group of the georgia champ kropbship featured the top three players in the world. tiger woods, adam scott and phil mickleleson. the british open champion was 7 of the first nine holes putting in the pga tour well within his reach and he lost momentum over the last nine holes on his way to the 8 under 63. he strug -pled two over 73.
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let's look at the leader board. the decision is with brian davis and the cushion over kevin saddler. nickelson's front line is at 28 on the tour this year. i will have to give myself a good chance. a lot of the ones went in. >> a lot of them did go in if he wins this tournament and a third victory of the year. he did win the british open. >> that's pretty impressive. >> america tonight starts at the top of the hour but next up, your weather forecast with rebecca. . ç]
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